Research on High School Students' Views of Physical Education Teachers 高校生들의 체육(體育) 교사관(敎師觀)에 대(對)한 조사연구(調査硏究)
6(0) 1-11, 1972
Research on High School Students' Views of Physical Education Teachers 高校生들의 체육(體育) 교사관(敎師觀)에 대(對)한 조사연구(調査硏究)
Teachers play a vital role in school education, especially in physical education which is given as special education in schools. The purpose of this study is to identify the views of high school students on their teachers of physical education ann physical education itself. The study obtained the following results:
1. Generally, students like physical education because they find it interesting.
2. Students, in general, like their physical education teacher because his human relations are good.
3. The students who like physical education also like the teacher of physical education. This means that the subject and its teacher are closely related to each other in school education.
4. The physical education teacher maintains intimate human relations with his students but he often poses as a fearful person to male high school students.
5. The physical education teacher lacks such qualities as general knowledge, general education, kindness and good educational method.
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THE STUDIES ON THE CHANGE OF FORMED ELEMENTS OF BLOOD AND LOADING OF SUBMAXIMAL MOTOR INTENSITY Ⅰ : On the change of hematocrit values 최대하운동강도(最大下運動强度)의 부하(負荷)와 혈액(血液)의 유형성분(有形成分)의 변동(變動) Ⅰ: Hematocrit치(値)의 변동(變動)에 대하여
6(0) 12-15, 1972
THE STUDIES ON THE CHANGE OF FORMED ELEMENTS OF BLOOD AND LOADING OF SUBMAXIMAL MOTOR INTENSITY Ⅰ : On the change of hematocrit values 최대하운동강도(最大下運動强度)의 부하(負荷)와 혈액(血液)의 유형성분(有形成分)의 변동(變動) Ⅰ: Hematocrit치(値)의 변동(變動)에 대하여
The study was carried to investigate the change of hematocrit values on the loading of an approaimate submaximal motor intensity.
The subjects of twenty college men, 10 athletes and 10 nonathletes, were tested for the packed cell volume of blood by the microhematocrit method The whole blood for each subject was obtained on the three experimental conaitions:
1) Pre load of the step tests, 2) Immediately after load requiring the step tests when pulse rate was approximatey 170 beats/Min., 3)At the reco very period when pulse rate was 100 beats/min.
Through the experimental studies, the results were summarized as follow:
1. The Change of hematocrit values by liading fo submaximal moter inenity of the both of athletes and non-athletes was increased approximately 3 Per-cent. The result suggested that there was statistically significant deffernece on temporary increased of hematocrit value change, (P< 0.01).
2. There was no difference on the rate of hematocrit value increase between athletes and non-athletes by loading of submaximal motor intendity. The result showing non-significant difference on continuous increase of hematocrit. change. The null hypothesis that involving significant difference, therefore, was could be rejected with this study, (P >0.05).
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A Survey on Sports Facilities to the Change of Middle and High School Students' Interest in Sports 중고등학생(中高等學生)들의 운동흥미화(運動興味化)에 따른 운동시설(運動施設)에 관(關)한 연구조사(硏究調査)
6(0) 16-30, 1972
A Survey on Sports Facilities to the Change of Middle and High School Students' Interest in Sports 중고등학생(中高等學生)들의 운동흥미화(運動興味化)에 따른 운동시설(運動施設)에 관(關)한 연구조사(硏究調査)
The result of this survey may by summarized as follows.
1. No difference of the interest in sports between the students in Seoul and the students in the country can be found out, and the result shows the students both in Seoul and in rural areas are inclined to get an interest in sports items which are frequently dealt with at regular P.E hours.
2. In middle schools, students in the country are more in terest in various kinds of sports than the students in Seoul, and in the case of high schools, quite reverse is the result.
3. During the transition when the students are promoted to high school, the change of interest in various sports items can not be found, but their interest in sports is inclined toward team games from individual games.
4. The game which is the most favorite and popular the students throughout middle and high school is footboll game.
5. In middle school a let of students like football game only to be a good player but in high schools the students like football game simply because football game is suitable to keeping good health and they are much interested in that sports.
6. High school students are inclined to choose more items of sports than the students in middle schools, because those items are greatly necessary to private life, not because they are skilled in those items.
7. Whereas middle school students want to learn about ball games, high school students want to learn about individual games.
8. Football game is the mort favorite sports item and the students want to learn about that game mast of all. But the current facilities are insufficient and the skill and techniuqe for that game must be developed better and so more facilities should be developed better and so more facilities should be constructed and better skills should be developed to help the students to be satisfied with that game.
9. Heavy Gymnastics and athletic sports are unwelcome to the students and rugby game which is expected to be fit for the young is also dislike.
10. The higher grade of middle or high schools the students attend, the less dangerous sports are favored in consideration of thier physical security.
11. Certain kinds of sports are avoided because, first, the students think their physical condition is not suitable to them second, satisfactory equipments and failtices for the sports are un-provided even though they wand to enjoy the sports, and third, social acceptance and popularity decrease.
12. The students in seoul and at higher grade have deeper and wider knowledge on the sports than those in the country and at lower grade, But they are far from satisfaction because they cannot understand foreign terms so well.
13. At present, most schools deal with ball games more frequently than any other games, middle school students are much interested in ball games, but high school students are much interested in ball games, but high school students are mostly interested in individual games and match games. High school students are not always interested in those games which are dealt with frequently at regular P.E hours.
14. Generally speaking the sports items which the students like so well is found out the kind that he is very skillful.
15. Though to construct more facilities is much helpful to the students to get more interest in sports, basketball and volleyball whose facilities are already established no longer attract students’ interest, and the students begin to be interested in those items, such as ping pong game, baseball, skating judo and badminton.
16. Students’ opinion on P.E classes is that most students want to have classes as they desire and a number of them want the teachers to lend balls even after school.
17. The students in Seoul want to have shower system which they can afford to make use of after classes.
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Effect of Physical Flexibility on Development of Handspring Skills in Mat Works 신체(身體)의 유연도(柔軟度)가 Mar운동(運動)의 Handspring에 미치는 영향(影響)
6(0) 31-34, 1972
Effect of Physical Flexibility on Development of Handspring Skills in Mat Works 신체(身體)의 유연도(柔軟度)가 Mar운동(運動)의 Handspring에 미치는 영향(影響)
The Purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between physical flexibility and handspring skills in mat works.
The subjects 〔N=100 Seoul National University Collegian major in P.E〕 were tested flexibility handstand and handspring skills in mat works.
The results show that physical flexibility effects seriously on handspring skills in mat works and especially the flexibility of the trunk of backward bent is the highest coefficient of correlation 0.75 among all bodily flexibility.
In order to make higher scientific sport skills and to rationalize the training of physical flexibility, we will try to investigate physical flexibility effects on motor abilities and sports skills, not satisfying only the effect on handspring of physical flexibility.
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Summary of The Dancing of Imperial Court for Iast Period of Ko - Ryo and early times of Yi Dynasty 여말선초(麗末鮮初) 궁중무용(宮中舞踊)의 연구(硏究)
6(0) 35-51, 1972
Summary of The Dancing of Imperial Court for Iast Period of Ko - Ryo and early times of Yi Dynasty 여말선초(麗末鮮初) 궁중무용(宮中舞踊)의 연구(硏究)
The Dancing of Imperial Court in our country can be divided into two parts. The one is Hyang-Ak-Jung-Je (鄕樂呈才) which has transmited unceasingly as a flood of pure feeling and emotion of our nation and the other is Dang-Ak-Jung-Je (唐樂呈才) which has been imported from China.
Dang-Ak-Jung-Je assimitated to Hyang-Ak-Jung-Je, to a certain excent, at last stage of Ko-Ryo dynasty. It should be understood those assimilation is on the indigenous course to the soil of our country.
Ever since Yi dynasty was created in 1392 by Lee Sung Ke (李成桂) and a group of new frontier politicians was obiliged to face steady change of the original shape in accordance with the demand of times.
The change of this pattern can be divided into two parts. The one is that Hyang-Ak-Jung-Je rooted in the end of Ko-Ryo dynasty was faced to be changed according to the evaluation of Confucianism in Yi dynasty and also chanced in the course of rationalization of the foundation of Yi dynasty. The other one is the new style of Dancing worked out by Chung Do Jun (鄭道傳).
Under the rule of King Se-Jong (世宗), Dancings of Imperial Court which has not been arranged are organized systematically by Park Yun (朴堧) and other distinguished musiians. By these arrangements, the Dancings of Imperial Court could exist under the root of theory and background of sicentific value.
Here, we should point out the uniformity of style whose result entirely dependent upon the evaluation of Confucianism. Under the re]e of King Sung Jong(成宗), Ak Hak Gue Bum (樂學軌範) worked out by Sung (成俔)
Hyun and his fellows was resulted as a perfeet literary work.
However the safeguard of the Dancing of Imperial Court has to undertake hardship as the national catastrophe-war of Yiim-Jin and Byong-Ja broke out. Because those related with the Dancing of Imperial Court at that time were killed or became prisoner of war.
Works of resurrection of the Dancing of Imperial Court could find its way of orbit vigorously during the dynasty of King Yong-Jo (英祖), the last stage of Yi dynasty.
The original shape of the Dancing of Imperial Court which has almost perished by two national catastrophe could be presented and transmitted by Prince Hyo-Myong(孝明世子), the son of King Sun-Jo. (純祖)
Needless to say, todays 50 kinds of Dancing of Imperial Court which has transmit ted from ancielnt times are attributed to the merit of prince Hyo-Myong. But now, at this point of view, to keep of the Dancing of the Imperial Court is questionable.
Here, we should like to point out several problems which hinder the development of our traditional folk dance. First of all, we can point out the fastidious action of steps of the Dancing, for instance the dancer must spend at least 4 years to master the primary action of steps and also the indifference of the authorities concerned and general public as well as infavorable financial situation should be indicated as main factors which cause abnormal development of the Dancing of Imperial Court.
Lastly we would like to emphasize the importance of resurrection and safeguard of the Dancing of Imperial Court in a smush as the study of Koreanology is currently becoming the great issue of the world.
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A Study on Abilities of Dance Appreciation in Different Academic Years 학년차(學年差)에 따른 무용감상(舞踊鑑賞) 능력(能力)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究)
6(0) 52-58, 1972
A Study on Abilities of Dance Appreciation in Different Academic Years 학년차(學年差)에 따른 무용감상(舞踊鑑賞) 능력(能力)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究)
Two college girls majoring dance were asked to compose and organize dances for the same title given. The two different dances performed by the organizers were presented for school girls to appreciate.
The study is attempting to know the differences in abilities of dance appreciation at each school year.
Results of the study can be summarized as follow.
1. Ability in association.
Students in higher school year appeared to have more abstract associations in dance than students in lower school year.
2. Attitudes toward dance movements.
Students in higher school year appeared to have more critical attitudes in analizing dance movements than students in lower school year.
Significant changes in attitudes were found mainly in the first and second year of middle school in the first and second year of high school, in the third year of high school and the first year of college respectively.
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A Study of Influences on Social Adjustment and Maladjustment by Physical Factors in Youth 청소년(靑少年)들에 있어서 사회적(社會的) 적응(適應) 부적응력(不適應力)에 체육적(體育的) 요소(要素)가 미치는 의의(意義)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究)
6(0) 59-67, 1972
A Study of Influences on Social Adjustment and Maladjustment by Physical Factors in Youth 청소년(靑少年)들에 있어서 사회적(社會的) 적응(適應) 부적응력(不適應力)에 체육적(體育的) 요소(要素)가 미치는 의의(意義)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究)
I. Problem
Human being exist only through the interactive experience of life within social relations groups, and the human persona’ity has been conceived as a product of social conditioning.
Then, as human being does not have the factor for socialization by some traits orginally and inherently, but has a capacity capable of learn for it, human personality for socialization and social adjustment has been developed by a product of social conditioning factors within process of human growth. One of conditioning factors of social adjustment or social maladjustment is the interactive experience of life within physical activity group and experience of physical activity.
Especially, some physical teaching method for physical activity in school is the more important factor.
On the basis of this assumption, the study is to investigate the effects of the factors of physical activity upon the social adjusted group and social maladjusted group.
II. Method and procedure
At firts, 695 student (male-278, female-417) in 2nd year grade of middle school and classified into two groups; the social adjusted group and the social maladjusted group by using the method of Moreno’s Sociometric Test. So, about 120 students are selected as the experimental persons, and about a half students are define das adjusted students and the others are defined as maladjusted students among these students.
The tools used for measurement of the physical exercise ability, physical training and learning ability, the marks of physical constitution and interest level for physical exercise of the two groups of students were the physical strenth test which is tested to students in school (8 items), the marks of physical training examination in school, the body complete index by Rohrer and Interest inventory constructed by Bum-mo Chung.
The researcher varified the differences of the mean scores on these tests between the social adjusted group and the social maladjusted group by the methods of C.R. verification and variability of standard deviation.
III. Result
1) As to hypothesis about the differences of physical exercise ability of the two groups, social adjusted students have more ability than social maladjusted students, boys and girls together. So, a good training of physical exercise ability is an effective group approarch to make isolates social adjusted students and developmenting of socialization.
2) As to hypothesis about tole differences of physical training and learning ability of the two group, social adjusted group students make marks better and learn better than isolates, boys and girls together.
3) As to hypothesis about the differences of physical constitution of two groups, most of adjusted students have a good developed and balanced bodies, but most of maladjusted students have unbalanced physical constitution either fat or thin.
4) As to hypothesis about the differences of physical exercise interest, any different problems between two groups could not be discovered in interesting level of physical exercise interest test, but getting their scores are almost same, but male’s has higher than female’s.